Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snow, not so bad after all!

Well, the great snow storm of 2010 has come, and gone. It seems that the pronounced gloom of near total destruction and chaos has somehow been avoided and basically we got some rain, ice and about 5"-6" of snow. Yea there were some power outages and there were some mishaps on the highways but all in all we have been delivered from the grips of destruction and are in fact all right. Thank You Jesus!

There seems to be a good side, a blessing if you will, that has sprung from the presence of the beautiful white blanket that has descended on us. My wife was saying this morning how it seems that snow does something inside her that she can't really put her finger on. It stirs something in her that is hard to describe. She was saying that if you just concentrate on it, focus on it's beauty, and push everything else back, it brings a peacefulness in your soul. It seems to slow everything down. She said "I don't know if it something from my childhood or what. I've lived several places that had snow in the winter. I just like snow, it's pretty! It brings me peace. "

I even noticed, while clearing nearly 4" of it off the car after work, that I had a little more peace. (Yea, being Friday helped a little!) I think that part of it comes from the fact that it insulates and absorbs sound, it gets quieter! Not as much noise to agitate us.

But it's true, it does effect us, the waitress at Duffy's Saturday morning was more gabby and cheery than usual, they all seemed to have an extra dose of lightheartedness! Everybody we met while we were out and about, even those complaining about having to drive in it, were more happy than normal. 

Maybe we can call it the 'Christmas effect'.

Thank You Lord for keeping us safe and giving us Your joy and peace!

God bless ya'll REAL GOOD! (:-))

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